Capitalism has brought 85% of the world out of extreme poverty, Communism (no profit) put 100 million people in the ground.
Capitalism puts 2,102,400 people in the ground EVERY year JUST due to starvation.
Globally we produce enough food to feed the global population with room to spare - yet because of capitalism's desire for profit above all 1person globally dies every 15 seconds because of starvation.
In the US there are
15 Million empty homes, but only
653,000 homeless people - those homes sit empty because of one reason - the ideology of Capitalism.
According to the
World Bank (that bastion of socialism) 700 Million people live in extreme poverty - that's Capitalism.
Poverty is being driven by the wealth gap; with the top 1% of the British Population holds more wealth than 70% of the British Population (
Source) - that's Capitalism.
And just to show how bad things are, here's a list of Capitalist Atrocities:
100,000,000: Extermination of native Americans (1492–1890)
15,000,000: Atlantic slave trade (1500–1870)
150,000: French repression of Haiti slave revolt (1792–1803)
300,000: French conquest of Algeria (1830–1847)
50,000: Opium Wars (1839–1842 & 1856–1860)
1,000,000: Irish Potato Famine (1845–1849)
100,000: British supression of the Sepoy Mutiny (1857–1858)
20,000: Paris Commune Massacre (1871)
29,000,000: Famine in British Colonized India (1876–1879 & 1897–1902)
3,445: Black people lynched in the US (1882–1964)
10,000,000: Belgian Congo Atrocities: (1885–1908)
250,000: US conquest of the Philipines (1898–1913)
28,000: British concentration camps in South Africa (1899–1902)
800,000: French exploitation of Equitorial Africans (1900–1940)
65,000: German genocide of the Herero and Namaqua (1904–1907)
10,000,000: First World War (1914–1918)
100,000: White army pogroms against Jews (1917–1920)
600,000: Fascist Italian conquest in Africa (1922–1943)
10,000,000: Japanese Imperialism in East Asia (1931–1945)
200,000: White Terror in Spain (1936–1945)
25,000,000: Nazi oppression in Europe: (1938–1945)
30,000: Kuomintang Massacre in Taiwan (1947)
80,000: French suppression of Madagascar revolt (1947)
100,000: South Korean Massacres (1948–1950)
50,000: British suppression of the Mau-Mau revolt (1952-1960)
16,000: Shah of Iran regime (1953–1979)
1,000,000: Algerian war of independence (1954–1962)
200,000: Juntas in Guatemala (1954–1962)
50,000: Papa & Baby Doc regimes in Haiti (1957–1971)
3,000,000: Vietnamese killed by US military (1963–1975)
1,000,000: Indonesian mass killings (1965–1966)
1,000,000: Biafran War (1967–1970)
400: Tlatelolco massacre (1968)
700,000: US bombing of Laos & Cambodia (1967–1973)
50,000: Somoza regime in Nicaragua (1972–1979)
3,200: Pinochet regime in Chile: (1973–1990)
1,500,000: Angola Civil War (1974–1992)
200,000: East Timor massacre (1975–1998)
1,000,000: Mozambique Civil War (1975–1990)
30,000: US-backed state terrorism in Argentina (1975–1990)
70,000: El Salvador military dictatorships (1977–1991)
30,000: Contra proxy war in Nicaragua: (1979–1990)
16,000: Bhopal Carbide disaster (1984)
3,000: US invasion of Panama (1989)
1,000,000: US embargo on Iraq (1991–2003)
400,000: Mujahideen faction conflict in Afghanistan (1992–1996)
200,000: Destruction of Yugoslavia (1992–1995)
6,000,000: Congolese Civil War (1997–2008)
30,000: NATO occupation of Afghanistan (2001-present)
~222,500,000+ Deaths
Go on, tell me how great Capitalism is again.
All The Best